L'Nuk Ursula Johnson and Jordan Bennett 2010/2012 Banff, Alberta/Halifax, Nova Scotia Performance https://ursulajohnson.ca/ L’nuk,...
Victorious Rebecca Belmore 2008 Vancouver, British Columbia Performance https://www.rebeccabelmore.com/ Victorious is a performance by...
We Were So Far Away
We Were So Far Away Heather Igloliorte 2008-10 Turtle Island/Canada Exhibition https://legacyofhope.ca/ We Were So Far Away is a...
Indigenous Art
Igloliorte, Heather, Julie Nagam, and Carla Taunton, eds. “Indigenous Art,” PUBLIC vol. 54 (2016). Available online. With this edition of...
Whose Land
Whose Land Mitch Holmes 2018 Turtle Island Website https://www.whose.land/ Whose Land is a web-based app that uses Geographic Information...
Elmiet Ursula Johnson 2010-2012 Halifax, Nova Scotia Performance www.ursulajohnson.ca/ Elmiet is a durational performance piece where...

Shadow on the Land: An Excavation and Bush Burial
Shadow on the Land: An Excavation and Bush Burial Nicholas Galanin 2020 Cockatoo Island (Sydney, AU) Public performance and installation...
Memory Keepers I, II, and III
Memory Keepers I, II, and III GLAM Collective et al. 2018-2019 Mi'kma'ki | Tiohtià:ke Exhibition and residency series...
Sovereignty Jordan Bennett 2010 Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador Performance www.jordanbennett.ca/ Sovereignty is a performance...
Rebecca Belmore 2002 Vancouver, British Columbia Performance www.rebeccabelmore.com/ Vigil is a performance by Rebecca Belmore set on a...