Social Inheritance of the Holocaust: Gender, Culture and Memory
Reading, A. Social Inheritance of the Holocaust: Gender, Culture and Memory. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Print book or eBook. In...
We Were Not the Savages: Collision between European and Native American Civilizations
Paul, Daniel N. We Were Not the Savages: Collision between European and Native American Civilizations. Halifax, NS: Fernwood, 2006. Print...
Counter-Mapping Return
Counter-Mapping Return Eniat Manoff 2010 Tel Aviv, Israel Research-creation project and exhibition Segalo,...
The Holocaust as Active Memory: The Past in the Present
Lenz, Claudia, Marie Lousie Seeberg, and Irene Levin. The Holocaust as Active Memory: The Past in the Present. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate...

The Cut
The Cut Asli Çavuşoğlu, Simone De Iacobis, and Malgorzata Kuciewicz 2016 Warsaw, Poland Photos by Bartosz Górka and Barbara Kaniewska...