Oxygenator Joanna Rajikowska 2017 Warsaw, Poland Photos by Konrad Pustoła Public installation http://archive.rajkowska.com/ Oxygenator is...

Nomadyczne Archiwum Sztetla (Nomadic Shtetl Archive)
Nomadyczne Archiwum Sztetla (Nomadic Shtetl Archive) 2016 Poland Photos by Natalia Romik, Monika Tarajko, and Aga Szreder Community-based...
Shoah Claude Lanzmann 1985 Poland Film https://www.imdb.com/ Robbins, Jill. "The Writing of the Holocaust: Claude Lanzmann's Shoah."...
Souvenir, Talisman, Toy
Souvenir, Talisman, Toy Erica Lehrer 2013 Krakow, Poland Community-based project and exhibition http://www.luckyjews.com/ Erica Lehrer's...
Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction
Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction Marc Grellet 1994-2014 Germany Digital archive and exhibition https://www.cmu.ca/...
Speculative Cartographies
Speculative Cartographies Angela Henderson, Solomon Nagler, Alexandra Janus, and Alexander Schwarz 2019/2020 Warsaw, Poland/Halifax, Nova...
The Odd Place (Miejsca Nieparzyste)
The Odd Place (Miejsca Nieparzyste) Elżbieta Janika 2003-4 Poland Photography https://culture.pl/ The Odd Place (Miejsca Nieparzyste) is...
Matzevot for Everyday Use
Matzevot for Everyday Use Łukasz Baksik 2008-11 Poland Virtual Exhibition: Speculative Cartographies www.baksik.com/ Matzevot for...