Memory and Postwar Memorials: Confronting the Violence of the Past
Silberman, Marc, and Florence Vatan, eds. Memory and Postwar Memorials: Confronting the Violence of the Past. London: Palgrave Macmillan,...
“Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire”
Nora, Pierre. “Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire.” Représentations, no. 26 (1989): 7-24. Available on JStor with...
The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place
Nardi, Sarah De, Hilary Orange, Steven High, and Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place. Abingdon,...
The Holocaust and the Literary Imagination
Langler, Lawrence L. The Holocaust and the Literary Imagination. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1975. Print book. In this landmark...
The Holocaust as Active Memory: The Past in the Present
Lenz, Claudia, Marie Lousie Seeberg, and Irene Levin. The Holocaust as Active Memory: The Past in the Present. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate...
Memorializing the Holocaust: Gender, Genocide and Collective Memory
Jacobs, Janet. Memorializing the Holocaust: Gender, Genocide and Collective Memory. London: I.B. Tauris, 2010. Print Book. This book...
Language, Counter-Memory, and Practice
Foucault, Michel. Language, Counter-Memory, and Practice, translated by Donald F. Bouchard and Sherry Simon, edited by Donald F....
Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture
Fogu, Claudio, Wulf Kansteiner, and Todd Presner, eds. Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University...
Memory Keepers I, II, and III
Memory Keepers I, II, and III GLAM Collective et al. 2018-2019 Mi'kma'ki | Tiohtià:ke Exhibition and residency series...
Black Matters
Cooper, Afua, and Wilfried Raussert. Black Matters. Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing Co., Ltd., 2020. Print book. This collection of...