Where Are the Children?
Where Are the Children? Jeff Thomas 2014-15 Calgary, Alberta Exhibition https://jeff-thomas.ca/ Where Are the Children: Healing the...
La Piel de la Memoria (The Skin of Memory)
La Piel de la Memoria (The Skin of Memory) Suzanne Lacy and Pilar Riaño-Alcalá 1999 Medellin, Columbia Social practice...
A Harlem Nocturne
A Harlem Nocturne Deanna Bowen 2019 Vancouver, British Columbia Exhibition http://www.deannabowen.ca/ https://canadianart.ca/ A Harlem...
We Were So Far Away
We Were So Far Away Heather Igloliorte 2008-10 Turtle Island/Canada Exhibition https://legacyofhope.ca/ We Were So Far Away is a...
Memory Keepers I, II, and III
Memory Keepers I, II, and III GLAM Collective et al. 2018-2019 Mi'kma'ki | Tiohtià :ke Exhibition and residency series...