Katastwóf Karavan
The Katastwóf Karavan Kara Walker and Jason Moran 2017 New Orleans, LA Installation view: Prospect.4: The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp,...
The Embodying Empathy Project
The Embodying Empathy Project Andrew Woolford, et al. 2017 Turtle Island/Canada Virtual Reality https://chrr.info/ Woolford, Andrew, Adam...
Caught by History: Holocaust Effects in Contemporary Art, Literature, and Theory
Alphen, van Ernst. Caught by History: Holocaust Effects in Contemporary Art, Literature, and Theory. Stanford: Stanford University Press,...
The Mush Hole Project
The Mush Hole Project Santee Smith 2016 Brantford, Ontario Theatre production https://www.kahawidance.org/ The Mush Hole Project is an...
Shoah Claude Lanzmann 1985 Poland Film https://www.imdb.com/ Robbins, Jill. "The Writing of the Holocaust: Claude Lanzmann's Shoah."...
Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction
Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction Marc Grellet 1994-2014 Germany Digital archive and exhibition https://www.cmu.ca/...
Elmiet Ursula Johnson 2010-2012 Halifax, Nova Scotia Performance www.ursulajohnson.ca/ Elmiet is a durational performance piece where...
Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History
Felman, Shoshana and Dori Laub. Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. Abingdon: Routledge (Taylor &...
Sovereignty Jordan Bennett 2010 Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador Performance www.jordanbennett.ca/ Sovereignty is a performance...