At Memory’s Edge: After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture
Young, James. At Memory’s Edge: After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. Available in...
Seize This Space
Seize This Space Jeff Thomas 2000-11 Ottawa, Ontario Photography Seize the Space was a long-term, participatory...
Shoah Claude Lanzmann 1985 Poland Film Robbins, Jill. "The Writing of the Holocaust: Claude Lanzmann's Shoah."...
We Were Not the Savages: Collision between European and Native American Civilizations
Paul, Daniel N. We Were Not the Savages: Collision between European and Native American Civilizations. Halifax, NS: Fernwood, 2006. Print...
Counter-Mapping Return
Counter-Mapping Return Eniat Manoff 2010 Tel Aviv, Israel Research-creation project and exhibition Segalo,...
Victorious Rebecca Belmore 2008 Vancouver, British Columbia Performance Victorious is a performance by...
Shadow on the Land: An Excavation and Bush Burial
Shadow on the Land: An Excavation and Bush Burial Nicholas Galanin 2020 Cockatoo Island (Sydney, AU) Public performance and installation...
Language, Counter-Memory, and Practice
Foucault, Michel. Language, Counter-Memory, and Practice, translated by Donald F. Bouchard and Sherry Simon, edited by Donald F....
Trauma and the Memory of Politics
Edkins, Jenny. Trauma and the Memory of Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Print book or eBook. Available online with...
Adrian Duke 2019 Location-based app Wikiupedia is a location-based app that uses augmented reality as a way to share Indigenous stories...