Adrian Duke 2019 Location-based app Wikiupedia is a location-based app that uses augmented reality as a way to share Indigenous stories...
Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition
Coulthard, Glen Sean. Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. Minneapolis, MN: University Of Minnesota...
Bury My Heart
Rebecca Belmore 2000 Great Falls, Montana Performance Bury My Heart is a performance by Rebecca Belmore based on...
Earthline Tattoo Collective
Earthline Tattoo Collective Jordan Bennett, Dion Kaszas, Quill Christie-Peters, Amberley John, and Audie Murray 2015-present Turtle...
Billy Jacking
Billy Jacking Jordan Bennett 2015 Grand Forks, British Columbia Installation Billy Jacking is an installation by...
Facing the Monumental
Facing the Monumental Rebecca Belmore 2018 Turtle Island/Canada Exhibition The traveling exhibition Facing the...
Walking With Our Sisters
Walking With Our Sisters Christi Belcourt 2012-19 Turtle Island/Canada Community-based project and exhibition

The Shubenacadie River Beading Project
The Shubenacadie River Beading Project Carrie Allison et al. 2018-19 Mi'kma'ki Photos by Séamus Gallagher Community-based project and...